Mansea Metal & Mid-Western Buildings to Participate in August Trade Shows
Later this month Mansea Metal and Mid Western Buildings will be participating in two great trade shows - one in each of their respective locations. Mansea Metal will be displaying it's roll-formed metal panels and speaking on the benefits of metal roofing and siding. Meanwhile, Mid Western Buildings will be showcasing its pole barn packages.
The first show takes place in Kentucky from August 25-27. The Ultimate Outdoor Expo will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park's Altech Arena, located at 4089 Iron Works Parkway in Lexington. The show is to run Friday 4pm-8pm, Saturday 9am-8pm, and Sunday 10am-5pm. Special guests, The Moonshiners, will be spending a little time in Mansea & Mid Western's booth at some point during the weekend and we will be giving away a special prize. According to the expo's website:
There are no other indoor/outdoor shows with a setting like the Kentucky Horse Park's Alltech Arena in the nation! Products such as marine equipment, fishing tackle, hunting supplies, hunting trips, fishing trips, trucks, camping products, hiking gear, RVs, Guns, ATV's and anything else you can think of to get people outdoors. Also displaying seminars and live demonstrations on the lakes, lumberjack show, celebrity appearances, archery shooting, buck judging contest, taxidermist displays, kids’ activities, and great food makes this a family-friendly event.
The second show will take place in Decatur, Illinois from August 29-31. The 64th annual Farm Progress Show is the nation's largest outdoor farm event. Like the Ultimate Outdoor Expo, Mansea & Mid Western will be set up to showcase metal roofing and post frame building packages. he shows is to run Tuesday 8am-5pm, Wednesday 8am-5pm, and Thursday 8am-4pm. According to their website:
Farm Progress Show annually hosts more than 600 exhibitors displaying new farm equipment, tractors, combines and farm implements; seed and crop protection products; and many additional farm supplies and services. Producers from the U.S. and around the world attend this industry-leading annual agricultural event. Field demos include side-by-side tillage techniques, GPS and precision equipment, and tractor and combine performance comparisons. Live cattle-handling demonstrations include the newest cattle chutes, equipment, animal health products, and work techniques.
You won't want to miss either of these events!